Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze na svém zasedání dne 11. 6. 2019 rozhodla o udělení akreditace studijnímu programu Information Systems Management Typ studijního programu: magisterský navazující Forma studia: prezenční Fakulta: Fakulta informatiky a statistiky Standardní doba studia: 2 roky Oblasti vzdělávání: Informatika (100 %) Jazyk studijního programu: angličtina Platnost akreditace od: 11. 6. 2019 Platnost akreditace do: 10. 6. 2029 Profil studijního programu: The main goal of the Information Systems Management Master Program is to prepare specialists to be able to develop and manage IT in enterprises and organizations, i.e. experts with a combination of computer science knowledge and management, who will be capable to react flexibly on changing IS / ICT environment and business practices. Graduates, therefore, should acquire a very good background that meets the requirements of today's global practice calling for specialists with knowledge of both the strategic and process management of organizations as well as information technology and information systems management. This is an indisputable advantage when seeking for a job. The study involves the acquisition of the tools, skills and knowledge presented in three basic categories of courses, which simultaneously correspond to the three sub-objectives of the programme: 1. Courses dealing with more narrow aspects of information systems management that will enable students to understand more details of the chosen IS management aspects. Examples of such aspects are • ICT Project Management (4IT524) • Information Systems Audit (4SA613) • SW Process Improvement (4IT521) • Modern Risk Management (4SA551) • New Media and Social Network Services (4SA526) 2. Courses focused on data analysis and their presentation to the top management of organizations with the objective to present students Business Intelligence tools and methods of automated knowledge acquisition from databases: • Business and Competitive Intelligence (4IT555) • Knowledge Discovery in Databases (4IZ451) 3. Courses dealing with issues going across all the different aspects of information systems management and therefore • offering students to link knowledge gained during the courses within the previous two categories in the form of case studies (Information technology in Entrepreneurship 4IT487), Information Modelling of Organizations (4IT525), and • providing knowledge of how to align business and IT strategy and consequently add value to the business (Information Management (4SA615), Management of Enterprise IT (4IT528), Information Systems Management (4SA431)). In order to provide attendants with the widest possible spectrum of approaches to IS / ICT management, leading professionals are invited to present selected lectures and seminars through all courses. Beyond that, in order to compare and complete the knowledge gained from the study of the courses attended at the Faculty of Informatics and statistics of the University of Economics, each year students have also the opportunity to attend courses organized within the International Week. Selected topics are discussed by experts from both foreign universities and international practice. Připravil/a: RVH VŠE Další informace poskytne: Ing. Jan Mach, Ph.D. Poslední aktualizace: 16. 12. 2024 Vaše připomínky ke stránce