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Akreditace VŠE

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Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze

na svém zasedání dne 11. 6. 2019 rozhodla

o udělení akreditace

studijnímu programu

Economic Data Analysis

magisterský navazující


Fakulta informatiky a statistiky

2 roky

Ekonomické obory (100 %)


11. 6. 2019

10. 6. 2029

The aim of this master study programme is to provide students with knowledge and abilities in the area of economic data analysis. This area covers many topics related to data acquisition, data processing, data dissemination and communication, data analysis including advanced statistical and econometric modelling and working with specialised statistical and econometric software as well.
This study programme is divided into two major specialisations. Each student has to choose one of the two specialisations during the first semester of his/her study.
The main objective of the specialisation Master in Official Statistics (MOS) is to enhance the abilities of students to understand national and European official data (quality, production process, dissemination) and to analyse them in a national, European and international context using statistical, demographic and econometrical methods.
The main objective of the specialisation Data Analysis and Modelling (DAM) is to enhance the abilities of students to deeply analyse economic data and create models using advanced statistical and econometric methods from the areas of advanced mathematical statistics, multivariate statistics and combinatorial optimization.