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Akreditace VŠE

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Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze

na svém zasedání dne 22. 11. 2022 rozhodla

o udělení akreditace

studijnímu programu

Information Systems Management

magisterský navazující


Fakulta informatiky a statistiky

2 roky

Informatika (100 %)


22. 11. 2022

21. 11. 2032

Living in a digital society, we encounter information technology ever more often. However, even in this situation, people with their managerial and decision-making abilities remain the key element that determines how efficiently and effectively technology is used.
One of the main advantages of the study program is a combination of general knowledge and skills in various areas of information systems (IS) management with practical, more detailed knowledge and skills which will allow students to choose a specialization according to their interest and provide them with a solid ground to readily start their careers.
For this reason, in the first semester students will complete a set of subjects representing the common core for their study (hereafter the common core subjects, or the core base). From the second semester onwards students will study one of the specializations: Management of Business Informatics (ISM_MBI) and Data & Business (ISM_DAB).
The courses of the core base aim to acquaint students with selected areas of information system management and thus to provide cross-functional knowledge (e.g. project management, communication and presentation skills, basics of information security, management of enterprise IT, data analytics fundamentals, information/process modelling).
The aim of the Management of Business Informatics specialization is to prepare specialists capable of designing, developing and manging IT in enterprises and organizations. I.e., experts with a combination of knowledge in both computer science and management, who will be capable of managing enterprise digitalization projects, mediating communication between business and IT professionals and applying system thinking to achieve business-IT alignment.
Data & Business specialization aims to prepare specialists who understand the value of data and can interpret them. These specialists should also be able to handle tasks involving big data and apply probability assessments, data mining and business intelligence to make informed business decisions.
In order to introduce students with a wide range of approaches to IS/IT management, leading professionals will be invited to present selected lectures and seminars through the courses. Beyond that, in order to complete the knowledge gained from the study at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, each year students will also have an opportunity to attend courses taught by visiting professors that will take place during the International Week, and they can also study a semester at a foreign university by participating in the exchange program.