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Akreditace VŠE

Akreditace na VŠE

Logo VŠE v Praze

Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze

na svém zasedání dne 2. 10. 2018 rozhodla

o udělení akreditace

studijnímu programu

International Business



Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů

3 roky

Ekonomické obory (100 %)


2. 10. 2018

1. 10. 2028

The aim of the program Bachelor of International Business is to educate economists and equip them with a standard framework of knowledge in economics, business administration, law, statistics and mathematics, with advanced international languages skills, and with a specialization in international business within the context of a changing global environment. Core values of the program are: respect of the ethical dimension of international entrepreneurship, preparedness to work in a multicultural environment in different languages, and ability to swiftly adapt to the changing environment of the world economy.