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Akreditace VŠE

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Národní akreditační úřad pro vysoké školství udělil akreditaci studijního programu

International and Diplomatic Studies



Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů

3 roky

Ekonomické obory (100 %)


11. 12. 2019

11. 12. 2029

The objective of the Bachelor’s programme International and Diplomatic Studies is to prepare economists for the area of international economic relations and provide them with theoretical and methodological knowledge, as well as extensive language skills. The programme is designed so that students acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the current international practice. The study of international economic relations is multidisciplinary connected with extensive education in general economic and managemnet disciplines, International Relations, Law, History as well as quantitative methods. The essential values of the programme include showing respect for the ethical dimension of diplomacy, readiness to work in multicultural environment and the ability to respond to changing conditions of the globalising international economic relations.