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Akreditace VŠE

Akreditace na VŠE

Logo VŠE v Praze

Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze

na svém zasedání dne 2. 10. 2018 rozhodla

o udělení akreditace

studijnímu programu

International Business - Central European Business Realities

magisterský navazující


Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů

2 roky

Ekonomické obory (100 %)


2. 10. 2018

1. 10. 2028

The program’s main objectives are to provide a comprehensive business education, to address the specificities and characteristics of the Central European business environment and to prepare qualified managers for international and multinational companies and institutions.

The aim of the program is to equip its graduates with comprehensive knowledge and premises for the field of international business, with the capability for strategic decision making in international companies in the areas of marketing, management, finance, and with an ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Specifics of the program lie in the high specialization in the economic and business environments of Central Europe and in processing business strategies targeted to this region. Core values of the program are: respect of multicultural aspects, the multinational mix of students, interdisciplinary continuation of previous education, team and individual work, ability for strategic decision-making in the broad context of sustainable development, and ethical and social responsibility of entrepreneurship.

The design of the program corresponds to the needs and requirements of multinational companies in their searching for flexible and highly educated graduates with regard to professional skills, conduct, presentation, team building and leadership skills, enthusiasm and capability to communicate clearly and effectively results and to solve business problems through systematic effort.

An international perspective is ensured by the double degree and study exchange possibilities, by the multinational origins of the student group, by the international teaching faculty at VŠE, by visiting professors from abroad and lecturers from international companies and by compulsory learning of a foreign language (aside from English) for achieving at least a basic communication level.

Double degree offers students a possibility to spend the second year of their studies at a partner university in Lappeenranta, Lyon, Mainz, Innsbruck, Geneva, Växjö, Vaasa, or Warsaw. Students graduate with two diplomas - one from the VŠE and another from the partner university.