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Akreditace VŠE

Akreditace na VŠE

Logo VŠE v Praze

Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze

na svém zasedání dne 2. 10. 2018 rozhodla

o udělení akreditace

studijnímu programu

Economics of Globalization and European Integration

magisterský navazující


Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů

2 roky

Ekonomické obory (100 %)


2. 10. 2018

1. 10. 2028

The aim of a master's degree in Economics of Globalisation and European Integration is to prepare highly qualified people for their professional careers. Students gain theoretical knowledge at an advanced level in the field of macroeconomics, microeconomics and econometrics applications, globalization, international trade and European integration. The goal of the program is to provide information on the status and importance of the EU in the global economy and international trade, provide new knowledge of international finance and the current EU economic policies. Studies in the program prepare students for conceptual work and for application of this knowledge. They will be able to communicate with both, the management structures and the specialists of the governmental organizations as well. Studying in an international study group composed of students from different parts of the world and implemented at partner universities prepares students for inter - cultural communication and gives them a high level of language proficiency, English and according to plan mobility of students the basics of French, Flemish, Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese (optional courses at the program).